Love Me? / ¿Me Ama?
Este dibujo es sobre un hada-zorro enamorado que representa a todos los
que alguna vez nos preguntamos si nuestro corazón es correspondido. Él
está parado sobre el agua porque está en un medio líquido, inestable.
Pero también tiene un pié afuera del agua porque está a punto de salir
de esa situación inestable, está a punto de saber que es lo que vendrá, y
apesar de todo (y eso es lo más importante) no tiene miedo.
This picture is about a fox-fairy lover who represents all that once we
wonder if our heart is reciprocated. He stands on the water because it
is in a liquid medium, unstable. But it also has a foot out of the water
because he is about to leave the situation unstable, he is about to
know what's coming next, and despite everything (and that's the most
important) he is not afraid.
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Este proyecto ha nacido a partir de mi dibujo “Cuidado con el hombre lobo!” que yá he publicado anteriormente. Ahora, estoy haciendo cuatro dibujos de esta serie casi simultáneamente.
Hello. A long time ago that I wasn’t published drawings. During this time I have not drawn much, I have had very little time and hard work and study (nor I have been in good health). I am finishing (very slowly) some drawings that I have outstanding. And I was playing with this image and Photoshop. This picture belongs to a series of drawings that I am doing. It's called: “You don’t argue when there is full moon.” (For the ones who do not know Spanish, that is the phrase that is in the picture). And this project was born from my drawing “Beware of werewolf!”
And now, I am doing four drawings of this series.
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Rude, warriors and... bears! / Rudos, guerreros y... osos!

Este dibujo pertenece a la serie de dibujos que estoy haciendo: "The Furry´s Wars". El oso adulto que está en el dibujo, es un guerrero experimentado, tiene muchos años en batalla, y es un maestro en el arte de la guerra.
El oso más joven, que está en el fondo, es su aprendiz de guerrero. Él es intrépido y vanidoso, y sobre todo tiene muy poca experiencia en todo. Suele meterse en problemas frecuentemente.
La verdad es que: no sé si quiero conservar la figura del oso joven, no estoy convencido de dejarlo en el dibujo. Ya lo he cambiado varias veces, pero no me convence... Talvez lo borre del dibujo.
¿Qué opinas?
This picture belongs to the series of drawings that I am doing: "The Furry's Wars." The bear adult who is in the picture, is an experienced warrior, has many years in battle, and is a master in the art of war.
The bear youngest, who is in the background, is his apprentice warrior. He is fearless and proud, and above all has very little experience at all. Usually get into trouble frequently.
The truth is: I do not know if I want to keep the figure of the young bear, I am not convinced to leave him in the picture. I have changed several times, but I am not convinced ... Maybe I will delete it from the drawing.
What do you think?
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Braford's Oscar Fanart

Este dibujo se lo hice a mi amigo Braford, a modo de regalo. Y él muy amable me permitió compartirlo con ustedes. Y se lo regalé porque admiro mucho su arte y siempre él ha sido muy amable conmigo.
El personaje se llama Oscar y es creación de Braford.
Es tinta sobre papel. Quería tenerlo listo para año nuevo, pero mis tiempos y los nervios por que quede bien me traicionaron. Me gusta mucho como ha quedado terminado.
Muchas gracias Braford y feliz cumpleaños (Ja!).
This picture is what I did to Braford, as a gift. And he very kindly allowed me to share it with you. And I gave it to him, because I love his art and he has always been very kind to me.
The character is named Oscar and is a creation of Braford. It's ink on paper. I wanted to have it ready for new year, but my time and nerves that make it well betrayed me. I like a lot, as this drawing has been completed.
Braford, thank you and happy birthday (Ha!).
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The Tiger / El Tigre.

Este dibujo es mi primer tigre. Y la elección del animal, fue atravéz de una encuesta en este, mi blog furry personal. En ella, amigos míos votaron entre una serie de opciones cuál sería mi proximo personaje para dibujar. Resultó ser una manera muy divertida de hacerlo. El tigre ganó en primer lugar con el 44% de los votos. El segundo fue el unicornio con el 33%.
Los tigres, siempre me han parecido muy divertidos y picaros. Yo quise hacer esta imagen sugestiva e ingenua; pero también sensual y divertida a la vez.
Espero les guste...
This drawing, has given me a lot of work, completing it in ink. Actually inking, is a technique very slow for me. I can not take the pulse (line) liked instantly. Therefore, I have to practice my line a little earlier.
This drawing is my first tiger. And the choice of animal species, was throughout a poll here, on my personal furry blog. In it, my friends voted among a number of options: What would be my next character to draw. It turned out to be a very fun choice. The tiger won first with 44% of the votes. The second was the unicorn with 33%.
The tigers, I always have seemed very funny and Rogues. I wanted to make this suggestive image and naive, but also sensual and fun.
I hope you like ...
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Beware of werewolf! / Cuidado con el hombre lobo!

This sketch really like in pencil. In principle it would be in ink but now I doubt it. It's that I like a lot! I think it is one of my favorites!
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The Wolf Battle / El Lobo De Batalla.
Este dibujo pertenece a la serie que estoy creando: "The Furry’s Wars". Muchos se preguntarán por el extraño arma que lleva, es simplemente una maza que inventé. Espero les guste mi dibujo.
This picture belongs to the series that I am creating "The Furry's Wars." Many will wonder by the strange gun he carried, it is simply a sledgehammer that I invented. I hope you like my drawing.
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Dark Male Lion / León Macho Oscuro.
Este fue uno de los primeros dibujos furry que hice. Lo estoy publicando recien ahora, porque recientemente lo he terminado de entintar. Me ha traido algunos problemitas al hacerlo...Originalmente lo pensé, como un traidor de los furries en The Furry´s Wars. Pero luego me he arrepentido, y prefiero que sea un personaje de los buenos, pero con un aire misterioso y lúgubre.Supongo que por esta razon, me imaginé que este león tenía una melena oscura como la de Scar, en la pelicula de Disney: El Rey León.Y por otro lado, creo que el rostro que le dibujé tiene una fuerte influencia del arte de Mike Mignola.
This was one of the first drawings furry I did. What I am running just now, because I have recently finished giving ink. I brought some small problems in doing so ... Originally I thought him as a traitor of the furries in The Furry´s Wars. But then I repented, and I prefer him to be a character of the good, but with an air of mysterious and gloomy. I assume that these reasons, I figured that this lion had dark hair like the lion Scar, in the Disney film The Lion King. And on the other hand, I think that the face that I drew is strongly influenced by the art of Mike Mignola.
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Rabbit Soldier Of The Hills / Conejo Soldado De Las Colinas.

This picture is only a preliminary sketch, I think changing human legs, for real furry rabbit legs. We also want to change the left hand and maybe change the accessories. It is one of the first that I drew next to the picture: "The young lion of the principality," but I have been more difficult to find what I wanted. I hope you like it ...
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So Sad / Tan Triste.

Este boceto, yo lo hice en unos dias que yo estaba muy triste por problemas personales y nunca pude terminarlo. Varias veces, he apartado este dibujo, para finalizarlo después. Pero este boceto me recuerda malos momentos. Decidí publicarlo, y terminar con mi eterno tormento psicológico.
This sketch, I did it for a few days I was very sad about personal problems and I could never finish it. Several times, I have this paragraph drawing, to finish later. But this sketch reminds me bad times. I decided to publish it, and end my eternal psychological torment.
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The Unknown Warrior / El Guerrero Desconocido.
Este personaje empezó queriendo ser una nutria de rio, pero como no le dibujé el resto del cuerpo, creo que parece otro animal. Talvez un oso o algun otro animal mamifero, no lo sé. Talvez puedas ayudarme...
Esta paradoja me llevó a cambiar un poco el origen de esta criatura. Y entonces, este personaje es un personaje misterioso, nadie lo conoce, y nadie sabe de donde viene. Apareció en una batalla transportado por los cielos por un furry-águila que su amigo. Los demás furries no confian en él, pero lo respetan porque al parecer está del lado de los furries en "The Furry´s Wars".
This character started wanting to be a river otter, but I do not like him drew the rest of the body, I think it seems another animal. Maybe a bear or other animal mammal, I do not know. Maybe you can help me ...
This paradox led me to change a little the origin of this creature. And then, this character is a mysterious person, nobody knows about it, and nobody knows where it comes from. He appeared in a battle carried by the heavens with a furry-eagle that is a friend of him. The other furries not trust him, but they respected him because he is apparently on the side of the furries in "The Furry's Wars."
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The Guardian Of The Tower / El Guardian De La Torre.

This drawing is another sketch that belongs to the series: "The Furry's Wars." I hope it is to your liking!
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Canine knight / Caballero canino.
Dibujo a tinta sobre hoja blanca y chota.
Este dibujo es de un caballero guerrero muy valiente al que le han mandado custodiar al principe de las "Tierras Furries". Tiene un gran manejo de la espada cuerpo a cuerpo y es muy inquieto cuando lo sacás al parque los fines de semana. Espero les guste!
Drawing ink on white paper and of poor quality.
This picture is a very brave knight warrior who would have sent guard the prince of "Furries Lands". Have a great handling of the sword and is very restless when bags to the park on weekends. I hope you like the picture!
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Caprine Warrior / Guerrero Caprino

Hello. I continue doing drawings of the saga "The Furry's Wars." Here is a goat warrior expert in the management of the spear. I hope you like it!
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The Furry´s Wars 01

This one is it firstly image furry that I publish, though it is not the first one that I did. He is a character that I invented aimlessly. It is a kind of young lion with a level of status favoured almost like of the royalty. This one in pencil and some sectors only estan sketched (as the left hand). I like very much.
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